With a wealth of experience in automation, ATM has acquired an intimate knowledge of End Of Arm Tooling design, manufacture and functionality.
ATM designs and manufactures bespoke End Of Arm Tooling systems which are used to handle everything from miniature components, weighing just grams, up to large automotive interior sub-assemblies. We also provide an extensive range of EOAT components and kit parts.
Our expertise and application knowledge covers a wide range of industry sectors including: automotive, medical device, healthcare and, of course, plastics. Whether handling a single part or removing multiple impression components from sophisticated mould tools, ATM EOAT designs will deliver the performance and reliability required to maintain the highest levels of productivity.
Download our brochures for more information
Kits, components and accessories
For those who wish to build their own EOAT, ATM offers a wide range of individual modules and components. With such a wide choice of both mechanical and vacuum components, many of which are stock items, end users can easily configure their own bespoke EOAT systems to suit specific parts and applications.
We would like to introduce Luke Allsop our new End of Arm Tooling Coordinator, for any enquiries call Luke on 07976 265617.
Contact us now for details of our capabilities.