Simple Hand Applicator, Semi-automated and Fully Automated Clipping Systems
ATM Automation has developed a series of clipping machines to suit the varying levels of automation required by different automotive customers. This comprehensive range includes: simple hand applicators typically used for manual fixing of star washers, semi–automated clipping benches and fully automated robot clip insertion systems.
All systems incorporate clip sensing features to ensure defect free finished parts. Semi-automated and fully automated systems also incorporate light guard protection for operators.
Machine Feautures
Hand applicator - magnetic retention of clip, sensing of clip present, and signal clip applied to correct depth
Semi-automated clipping machines - bench mounted, full Poka yoke nesting, sensing of all clips present / fitted correctly with image on display on HMI, choice of guarding options - light guards or physical guarding, parts locked in position until process is verified OK, large variety of clips can be accommodated, OEE data software in-built
Fully automated systems - sturdy metal framework arrangement, high speed 6-axis robot(s) for clip presentation and insertion, up to 2 bowl feeding systems plus back up magazines for clips, quick change jigs for multiple parts using the same clip type, choice of guarding available